It's been a long week for me, and there are three days to go. Sometimes it seems the weeks that start with the most promise fall shortest. It makes sense: the more that is expected, the more that can be missed.
For a week that started on such a high note - classes starting again - it has just gotten lower since, with the exception of an occasional slight peak. In an effort to not depress readers and maybe cheer myself, here are the week's high notes, in no particular order: classes starting, finding out happy primes are real, understanding happy primes, and that's about it.
Tuesday's lunch (minor) fiasco started a definite downward trend for my mood. Since then, I've been getting more introverted, more avoidant, and felt more on the outside that usual. Among other things, I was right about a couple things, about one of which I really wanted to be wrong. For something I knew, it's amazing how disappointing being right can be.
So, I will be headed for bed soon, cuddling with Galifrey, the one protection I have against the nightmares plaguing me of late. Soon I'll post a few videos, especially the Catching Fire review.
I also decided that I am going to VidCon next year.
I hope your week gets better friend! Miss you <3